Operation Center Img1
  • MS operates a 24/7/365 days Operational Centre (OC) out of its HQ in Cyprus that is continuously manned by at least two officers in order to evaluate and process a plethora of maritime threat information throughout the various sectors of the maritime industry.
  • The OC continuously collects and analyses data from multiple Open Sources and National & International Agencies in order to ensure an up-to-date and accurate information hub that real time updates our customers and Team Leaders and provide guidance for the safest route passage through dangerous waters.
  • Using all current and historical data on all maritime risks the OC provides a custom made service package to address the needs of each vessel individually based on the Best Management Practices 4 (BMP4) and ISPS.
  • MS continuously monitors and assess all live threats and movements. The OC provides guidance for appropriate action to mitigate all risk factors for the customer vessel, real time notifications are reported instantly to the customer CSO, the Team Leader and the Vessel.

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