The Grievance Policy is an important pillar in the quality management system of the company. The policy aims to ensure that employees or external stakeholders and interested parties with a grievance or claim relating to the company’s actions or lack of actions, or any failure with regards to company’s policies and codes have access to a simple and effective procedure, which can help resolve grievances as quickly and as fairly as possible.

Grievance is a concern, problem, allegation, claim or complaint that an employee or external stakeholder/interested party raises with the company. It may be related to any aspect of the relationship between the two, whether employment related, work practice, terms and conditions, health and safety, Human rights or other law / policy or code violations, working relationships or general treatment.

We aspire to implement and keep a culture of openness and positive work environment where an individual associated with the company can feel that his/her interests are a priority for the company and any grievance raised will be dealt with promptly, impartially, confidentially and effectively. Therefore, it is our policy to treat every grievance raised in a serious and swift manner, and to keep the employee or external stakeholder/interested party informed of the status of the grievance and the outcome of the investigation.

Additionally, the company shall ensure that its  personnel who report wrongdoings in good faith are provided protection against any retaliation for making such reports, such as shielding them from unwarranted or otherwise inappropriate disciplinary measures, and that matters raised are examined and acted upon without undue delay.

All details and access for company grievance mechanism are clearly published in company website: Anyone with a complaint, claim or grievance is highly encouraged to report it directly and in detail to company CEO and / or to the Competent Authorities.

The company will keep records about all allegations, findings or disciplinary measures. Except where prohibited or protected by applicable law, such records will be made available to Competent Authorities upon request. Furthermore, appropriate corrective / preventive actions, including recommendations, shall be taken and followed up to prevent recurrence.

For the sake of law-abiding culture and overall transparency, we shall always cooperate with any official investigation, and will not participate in or tolerate from any of its personnel / partners / contractors involved the impeding of witnesses, testimony or investigations.

The company can and will take all appropriate actions, as required, including disciplinary ones, which could lead to termination of employment / contract in case of a finding of such violations or unlawful behaviour.

This policy is under the responsibility of the compliance manager and should be reviewed annually.


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